// News, updates, and other stuff...: June 2007

Friday, June 08, 2007

Best Friend...


As we are at that time of the year when the school year ends, friends will be coming and going. One of the may good things about friends is that they are there right when you need them. I was once again reminded that we will ALWAYS HAVE a friend in Jesus!! The way I see it, He is always our Best Friend!!! Why not make Him yours if you have not already???

"...and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."
Proverbs 18:24

Monday, June 04, 2007

Powerful quote...

I was surfing the internet earlier this afternoon, and I came across a very powerful quote. I found it while reading through the news archives page at Amazing Facts. Pastor Batchelor was asking for people here to pray for the work being done in India back in November of last year. It really speaks to me about the power of prayer.

"Prayer turns aside the attacks of Satan."
Christ's Object Lessons p.250

Click here for the actual page.