// News, updates, and other stuff...: It is time once again to.....give a MASSIVE UPDATE!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

It is time once again to.....give a MASSIVE UPDATE!!

Haven't we been here before?  I mean me not posting for a really long time?  Sorry. . . The last post I have before this one was one at the end of 2007.  The last time that I really posted on life events was on September 7, 2007, and before that last may. . .
I have a few minutes so away we go. . .

So in the past 5 1/2 months that have gone by lots have happened or not happened.  

Family. . .
My family celebrated my grandfather's birthday.  It was cool.  It was still kind of bittersweet with grandma no longer around.  

Last time I really posted, my cousin Dennis and cousin-in-law Jaylene were expecting their first child.  Well, Jaiden has been around for a couple of months.  Yay!  

My cousin Lyn is still engaged and due to me married next Sabbath.  One week to go.  It is really nice that the wedding is going to be here in town and my family and I do not have to drive to far.  

Friends. . .
Tomorrow is the commencement ceremony for Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Graduate School, School of Pharmacy, and School of Dentistry.  I do not know how many people from Advent HOPE are graduating or how many other people outside of Advent HOPE are graduating.  I do know that Tim Arakawa and Shawn Koh are graduating.  Yay!  Congrats to you both, and to all those who have finished school.  (Now you can start paying back those loans. . . have fun.)

Tim will still be around.  He is finishing his Ph.D. and will now finish his fourth year of medical school.  

Speaking of others still being around, Norman has decided to stay for an additional year.  He is finishing his fourth year of residency in Neurology, and will be taking a one year fellowship in the same field.  

Over at Upland, the Rhebok family has gone through a lot.  Two people getting heart attacks, one of them passing away, while the other survived, and also had some other ailments come so very soon.  Please pray for them.  

Conferences. . .
Generación de Jóvenes para Cristo (GJC)
Generación de Jóvenes para Cristo (GJC) -- [A GYC in Spanish] is going on at Andrews Universtiy in Michigan.  Some friends of mine are there including Carlos, who is in charge of recording the programs.  He and six other people drove non-stop to get there.  Thanks be to God that they made it there safe and that the tornados that occured in Colorado did not touch them.  

Western Youth Conference
This year WYC takes place from June 26-29, 2008 at Weimar, CA.  The theme is "Something Better."  This is coming up really soon, so register NOW!!

SouthWest Youth Conference
SWYC's website has been updated.  This year's conference goes from August 29 - September 1, 2008 at Pine Springs Ranch.  Registration has not yet opened but stay tuned!

Generation of Youth for Christ is going to be in California this year.  Yay!  It is from December 17-21, 2008 in San Jose.  Registration isn't open yet, but keep this in mind.  San Jose, CA in December hopefully will be more 'appreciated' than Minnesota in December.  [No offence to Minnesota:)]  

School. . .
School for me does not end until mid June.  Please pray for me.  I hope I can finish something this time around.  

Other things. . . 
I led out in a Bible study on what happens when we die.  It was a good study, and if anybody would like a copy of my notes, please post a comment and I will see what I can do.  

I also help with a Bible study that meets on sundays.  Please pray for a couple of things;  A couple of family problems, and health.  It is better for me not to say more, so I thank you in advance.  

Things are getting hectic.  With my current schedule sometimes it is hard for quality time with God.  This can happen to any one of us.  Let me encourage those who have fallen in this predicament.  It is easy to get there, but we do not have to stay there.  Try harder to spend that quality time.  Especially in prayer.  The devil loves it when we do not pray.  He is not to concerned when we study God's word as much as he is worried when we pray.  The devil trembles when we pray.  Why?  Think about it. . . When we pray we are talking with God Himself.  When we pray, some very powerful things can happen.  A powerful quote from a wonderful book called Christ's Object Lessons p. 250 says, "Prayer turns aside the attacks of Satan."  

I could type more, but it is late.  I wish everyone a good week in the Lord!!

"He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer."
Psalm 102:17


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspiring thoughts Arden! Thank you for sharing.

5:45 PM  

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